Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to the TIK course at Jarvis C.I. for 2008-09

Welcome to your first course in computer science!

Right at the beginning, let me say that I'm going to make every effort to see that ALL students pass or, preferably, do much better than pass.

Of course, I do expect you to make a good effort.

We'll start the year with a little background information about computers and how they work from the Norton textbook. It's an excellent textbook with many "pictures that say more than a thousand words." It was published a while ago, in 2000, so a few details have gone out of date, but we'll correct those little problems. Overall it's great.

After the introduction, we begin to write computer programs, which I think is going give you quite a thrill. There's something about writing your own programs, having that much control over the computer - it's very cool!

Whether you get a kick out of it at the beginning or not, later in the year I guarantee you're going to enjoy pixel graphics (Chapter 8 of the Turing textbook), where you create colour and animation and all sorts of razzle-dazzle.

So get ready to enjoy, enjoy, ENJOY!