Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Converting Data to Information -- extra knowledge

Some students in class have asked for additional information on several of the topics in this chapter.

Swap file
Swap file
What is a swap file?
In Windows what is a swap file?
What is the page file for?
Understanding Windows Vista Paging File Size
Paging - information of a more technical nature

Types of RAM - from HowStuffWorks.com
Different RAM Types and its uses
Types of RAM and ROM
Types of RAM: How to Identify and their Specifications

What is flash memory?
How flash memory works
Flash memory - from Wikipedia

Norton, Lesson 7: Transforming Data into Information

You should now be completing the worksheet for Norton, Lesson 7: Transforming Data into Information.

There will be a test on Thursday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ch. 5 exercises

You are now ready to write your first computer programmes!

For the next few classes everyone should be working only on the exercises at the end of Chapter 5.

Easy exercises
#4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Moderately Difficult Exercises
#1, 2, 6, 13 (somewhat long), 14 (somewhat long), 15

More Challenging Exercises