1. Write a program named target.t that does the following:
• in an Execution window of 500x500 pixels, creates a brightred and white target exactly fitting in the window, as illustrated, with each ring 50 pixels wide
2. Write a program named flower.t that does the following:
• creates a flower with four petals as illustrated, the outlines of the petals in blue, the centre circle of radius 25 pixels and coloured green. The tips of the petals exactly touch the corners of the screen
• the flower should fill the Execution window as shown, no matter what size the screen is set to
3. Create a simple shape that represents a spaceship. Animate it so that it appears to be launching from the bottom left of the screen to beyond the top right of the screen. Then make the spaceship accelerate as it moves up and across the screen. Then re-design your spaceship to make it look a little more realistic.
4. Write a program that makes a balloon float from the bottom of the screen to disappear off the top of the screen. When it disaapear, another ballon does the same thing, starting froma different position.
4. Write a program that drops a rectangle from a random point along the top of the screen, like the game Tetris. When it reaches the bottom, it disappears and another rectangle drops from a different random points along the top of the screen./